Does the Methodist Church in Bronx, New York Offer Bible Study Classes?

The United Methodists of Upper New York offer a great opportunity to grow in your understanding of the Bible. Every Wednesday at 1 p.m., they host an in-person Bible study class that is open to all members of the church.

Does the Methodist Church in Bronx, New York Offer Bible Study Classes?

The United Methodists of Upper New York provide a great chance to expand your knowledge of the Bible. Every Wednesday at 1 p.m., they host an in-person Bible study class that is open to all members of the church. With more than 125,000 members, this church is one of the largest in the state of New York, covering 48,000 square miles and comprising over 800 local churches and new faith communities in 12 districts. The Bible study class is an excellent way to learn more about the Bible and its teachings.

It is available to all members of the church, regardless of their level of knowledge or experience. The class is designed to help participants gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and its teachings. It also provides an opportunity for members to discuss their beliefs and ask questions. The Bible study class is led by experienced teachers who are knowledgeable about the Bible and its teachings. They offer guidance and support to participants as they explore the Bible and its teachings.

The class also provides an opportunity for members to share their experiences and learn from each other. The Methodist Church in Bronx, New York offers a great opportunity for those who want to learn more about the Bible and its teachings. The in-person Bible study class is open to all members of the church and provides an opportunity for them to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and its teachings. It also provides an opportunity for members to discuss their beliefs and ask questions.

Chasity Flom
Chasity Flom

Passionate beer fan. Award-winning bacon geek. Hardcore internet nerd. Hipster-friendly pop culture scholar. Subtly charming pop culture buff. Wannabe internet guru.

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